Women’s Ministry at the Oasis
Welcome to the Oasis Women’s Ministry group. Our intentions for this ministry is to provide a positive and encouraging Bible-based platform for We, as Women of Christ, to lift each other up, grow stronger in our faith, and be closer in our relationships. This is a good resource to find the most up-to-date information relating to events and scheduling and a great connection to build new friendships. We also have a Facebook group. Please feel free to join the Facebook group page for encouragement and building relationships. Invite your friends! Remember, WE ARE THE CHURCH.
Meet our Women’s Ministry Director, Andrea Valencia. Andrea and her husband, Anthony Valencia have been married for 18 years. They have two boys, AJ and Santiago Valencia. Feel free to stop her when you see her in Church to get more information on Women’s Ministry. She looks forward to meeting you, to be able to pray for you and with you.
Come join the women who attend Wednesday night Bible Study. Grow a deeper bond with other Sisters in Christ.
Blanket Ministry
The Women’s Ministry is accepting new handmade quilts & crochet blankets of all sizes for our blanket ministry. We have blessed many individuals with a prayer blanket and our supply is running low. If you would like to donate a blanket or two, please reach out to Andrea Valencia or call the church office. Thank you!