We will be having a week of Prayer & Fasting starting
January 7th - January 13th. The church will be open for
individual prayer from 12 pm-1 pm and 5 pm-6 pm, Monday-Thursday & Wednesday, January 10th will be a night of worship and prayer.

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WEEK OF PRAYER-January 7-13, 2018

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land.”    2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV

Sunday –  If My People
Prayer Focus: This verse is not directed toward those who do not know God, but to those who “are called by my name.” Spiritual awakening and healing must begin in the house of God—in all of us who are called to be representatives of Christ in our world.

· Pray that your heart and life will be in right relationship with God through obedience to His will and purpose.

· Pray that you will be known as a Christ-follower by your words and deeds before a society that desperately needs Him.

· Pray that the joy of the Lord will be so evident in your life that others will want to know about your relationship with Him.

Monday –  Humble Yourselves
Prayer Focus: Humility is the action of putting others first, displaying an attitude of simplicity, gentleness, respectfulness, and modesty. James 1:9 declares, "Believers in humble circumstances ought to take pride in their high position" (NIV). In God's economy, showing humility makes you important to God and His kingdom.

· Ask God to forgive you of "thinking more highly of yourself than you ought to think" (See Romans 12:3, ESV).

· Ask your Heavenly Father to forgive you of anything short of humility in your dealings with Him and with others.

· Thank God that He "has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west" (Psalm 103:12, NLT), reminding yourself of His great, gentle and undeserving love toward you.

Tuesday – Pray and Seek God’s Face
Prayer Focus: Throughout history, the great spiritual revivals and awakenings were preceded by sincere prayer and intercession. Prayer aligns us with God’s will and purpose. Prayer moves His hand in amazing, powerful ways to save, heal, and deliver, to transform people and nations. Giving ourselves to prayer and seeking God’s face is central to bringing about His intervention.

· Pray for a level of intimacy with God that comes with pressing into His presence.

· Pray in the Spirit regularly, utilizing His power to help you pray when you do not know how to articulate the burdens on your heart.

Pray that God will align your will and desires with His plans and purposes.

Wednesday –  Repent and Turn
Prayer Focus: Repentance is turning from evil and learning to follow God. The Spirit of God reveals to us areas of our lives that we need to bring under His control. As we identify with Christ in His death and resurrection, and offer ourselves completely to Him, He will form us into the people He desires.

· Pray for a broken and contrite heart, always acknowledging your
dependence on God for His grace and forgiveness.

· Pray for God to shape your life into what He wants it to be.

· Pray that our nation will turn from its current path and learn the ways of God.

Thursday –  Hear from Heaven 
Prayer Focus: As we humble ourselves, pray and seek God's face, and turn from our wicked ways, God promises to hear our cries. He does not turn a deaf ear to those who sincerely seek Him in humility and righteousness; rather He bends low to listen, to hear our pleas and petitions.

· Pray for increased faith to respond to God who invites you to come boldly to be with Him and enjoys spending time with you. 

· Pray for your church to have confidence to appeal to heaven and help you to touch your community like never before. 

· Rejoice that God is faithful to hear your prayers as you seek Him with humility and righteousness.

Friday –  Restore the Land
Prayer Focus: In response to our prayer and repentance, God promises to restore. Just as rain brings new life, the Holy Spirit will refresh and renew His people and His church so that we will effectively influence the culture for good and righteousness.

· Pray for a restoration of biblical standards of morality and righteousness as the gospel is proclaimed and Christ followers openly share their faith and demonstrate godly character, faith, and integrity in the culture.

· Pray that marriages and family relationships will be strengthened as Christ followers determine to keep Christ at the center of their lives and homes.

· Pray that the next generation will be established on firm spiritual foundations and embrace the claims of Christ as they are discipled in the home and church.

Saturday – Pray Continually
Prayer Focus: Charles Spurgeon declared, “Whenever God determines to do a great work, He first sets His people to pray.” Prayer is a non-negotiable spiritual discipline. The outworking of God’s purposes in our lives, in our churches, and in our world is absolutely dependent on it.

· Pray for an unwavering devotion to pray without ceasing and to daily spend time praying in the Spirit.

· Pray that God would fashion His Church into a house of prayer and help pastors cultivate a culture of prayer within their churches.

Pray for a prayer awakening in the Church that would usher in a sweeping global revival and unprecedented harvest of souls.