In-Person Services
What to expect:
Our in-person services are on Sundays at 10AM & Family Night activities are from 6:30PM to 7:30PM on Wednesdays.
We have sanitizer and masks available upon entry at your preference/discretion.
The front doors will be opened 30 minutes prior to each service
Offering envelopes and Connection cards will be available in the seat-backs
10AM – In-person & livestream services on Facebook Live, YouTube, and our webpage as well as Okids.
9:00AM – Pastor Randy on Facebook Live
9:00AM – Pastor Randy on Facebook Live
9:30AM – Staff Pastor on Facebook Live
6:30PM— Family Night: Men and Woman’s Bible Studies, Okids, and Collide Youth
9:00AM – Pastor Randy on Facebook Live
4:30PM – The Lord’s Pantry free food and ministry time on Ute street across the parking lot from Brewer, Lee, and Larkin Funeral Home. Safe distancing is practiced.
6:30PM— Oasis Recovery Resuming October 26th.
Online at
Drop it off at our office 1601 North Dustin (place it in an envelope and put it in the mailbox, it is checked daily)
In-person on Sundays in the buckets during service
We invite you to join us for any of these ministries.
Live Streaming
Though restrictions have been lifted, we recognize that not everyone is comfortable returning to in-person services, and we respect that decision. We want you to make the decision that you are most comfortable with. For those who are not yet comfortable attending our in-person services, we invite you to continue to be a part of our live-streamed services at 10AM on Sundays.
If you have any questions pleas feel free to contact us!